I have been contemplating back and forth about documenting our story for a few weeks now. My hope is that I will be able to find enough courage to share our down and dirty here on this blog without reservation. My pray is that it will be an outlet for me to release thoughts and experiences freely, and that it will be of help for others and encouragement to everyone that reads my words. My fear is that I may not be able to share our story with others out of disgust and shame!
Our backgrounds
Brian and I have been married for 13 years, and of that 13 years we have never been debt free! Both Brian and I grew up in loving families, both of which struggled financially. Brian and I both had completed college prior to us getting married, which allowed us to start our family out with a good income. However both Brian and I had student loans, car payments, and a few small credit card bills. We began building our first house a few months before our wedding, this house was affordable for our family at the time. So in the beginning we had it made, or so we thought. We were okay with our debt, we were able to make the payments. Then after a year and a half and the birth of our second son we decided that we needed a bigger house with land too. We found a fixer upper on 23 acres and we decided to go ahead and buy this house and rent our current house. Again, we were living the good life, or so we thought. We both began to work a few shifts of overtime to help with the expenses of having two mortgages, and the cash flow to finish the house we bought. Within a few months we were struggling, not to mention we were pregnant with our third son. The great renter we had left town, and we were able to find another renter but the rent was below the payment. We started to slowly begin a down hill tailspin. Brian was working six and seven days a week, bills were piling up and our marriage was beginning to be strained. Less than one year after purchasing our dream home we put it up for sale and prayed that God would find us a buyer asap. Within a few months we sold our 5000 square foot home, and decided to move into a townhouse a little bigger than 1200 sq. feet. People thought we were crazy, and at the time we were, crazy in debt that is! We moved the week of Thanksgiving, and shortly after the first of the year we sold our first home to the current renter. However we were so desperate to get rid of the mortgage that we made zero profit on it. We did make a decent profit off of our second home, and we used every penny to pay off the majority of our debt. I did some research and officially took over the finances, I made a budget and wrote down where every penny went. Within a year we had debt paid down to one vehicle payment, had a few thousand in our savings account and we thought we would live happily ever after. Then we decided to look for a home again, we even considered building a home. We by no means had 20% to put down on a house, and although I had improved our money situation I still didn't know squat about making smart moves when it came to the money. We bought our third home, which is where we currently reside to this day. The payment was affordable, and we were very happy to have more room for our growing family. We were in our house less than 4 weeks when we got the surprise news we were having another baby. My last pregnancy was, how should I say it?....... Horrible!!!!! God awful!!! Death!!!! I became very ill during the pregnancy, and I could barely work three days a week let alone any overtime. So the debt snowball melted, and we were making it but finding ourselves living paycheck to paycheck again with very little wiggle room.
Speed it up would you!
Fast forward it to after the baby was born. Brian had gone back for his BSN shortly after we got married, so his student loans were deferred still, we were paying on mine. Then I decided to go back for my BSN, and as I started my BSN we were just finished paying my ADN off. Few years later...... Brian started his masters so the debt we accumulated was just sitting there. I started my masters, so any hope of us working extra shifts vanished. Brian took over the bills in the fall of 2012 after I was laid off from work. I went without work for almost three months, and we were scared we would lose everything. God provided as always. Oh I forgot to mention that we were called to adopt a child from China too. I worked three jobs for 8 months to get money to complete our adoption process. So at this point we were completely broke!
Where are we now
Both Brian and I are done with school, we are both nurse practitioners now.Sound like a great life don't it? But behind the surface we are not so great, we owe a lot of money. I decided to take the helm of the ship back three months ago. Brian never told me how bad the finances were, he didn't want me to know. Down deep I knew there was more money going out then coming in, but I couldn't deal with the stress while I was finishing my degree. We don't fight really at all, and most people that know us know it's because Brian doesn't let my rants and temper tantrums get to him, and it's a good thing! We have had several fights since April, and a few of those have been major blowouts. Mostly because I spent three years in total darkness when it came to our money situation, and that's nobody's fault but my own.
Ownership and a plan
We have sat down together and looked at our finances, after the initial shock of it all we have decided to work as a family to change the way we spend money, and agree to hang in there until we get our debt paid down. Both Brian and I are working two jobs, we have made a new budget, and I have read Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" book. Brian says he's getting to it. Change is hard, and both Brian and I are learning to compromise. It is very hard though!!!! I am to extreme one way, and he is to extreme the other way. We have a long road ahead of us, many little battles to go to win the war, but Brian reminds me that we have come through a lot worse in the time we have been together. I have a commute to work everyday, and I am either listening to church, K-Love, or Dave Ramsey. I find it so encouraging to me, especially on days when I'm tired and frustrated.
First Steps
Baby steps (for those of you who know the steps)
Baby Step 1 $1000.00 Emergency Fund- will hopefully be reached by the end of this month. I am ashamed to admit that we had to get bills caught up in order to start putting money back. You know it's bad when you have to pay extra payments just to start living according to your budget. Dave Ramsey's plan is to put &$1000.00 back asap before starting your debt snowball. We have been able to pay all bills up to current, and fork out money to get our vehicle tags, boat tags, and maintenance on the boat.
Baby Step 2 Start paying off debt- We will be here forever........ Just kidding! We will be here for quite a while, so there will be many, many post about this subject. We have also put our current house on the market this week. We have plans to move to a smaller house, yes that's right a smaller house. So please pray that we will find a buyer soon. Moving would help us lower our mortgage and decrease our monthly expenses.