I want to share this small post with you about encouragement. A week or so ago Brian and I were talking in the car about money, imagine that right, needless to say I believe the conversation was about tithing and how I felt that we needed to give faithfully and how I thought that would help us in many different ways. Brian commented that according to "Dave" you pay debt off first then you give like crazy. I corrected him in saying that is not what "Dave" said. The truth is all of it is God's money anyway, and that I felt like we we're intentional in paying bills, and trying to stick to our budget but that we didn't pay God first, and he wasn't included in our budget. Brian didn't say a whole lot back, and I just changed the subject.
So this past week after I prayed and pondered for a several days over it I decided to sacrifice a few things and pay our tithe first. I did this without consulting with Brian, because when I am paying bills I still don't explain to him what we're paying each week. He doesn't go out of his way to ask me, so I don't go out of my way to tell him. The past two paychecks Brian hasn't inquired about the bills. I have just sat down and sent them off myself. No problem.
Here is the encouraging part I wanted to share with you, I have been in my new job about three months. I gave to God first this past week, and prayed that there would be enough money to get through til Friday. The very same day that our tithe money cleared the bank, I got an unexpected bonus at my work, that was more than my tithe. Not to mention that we went over on our grocery bill this week, and we still have extra money in our account to apply next week! I cried on my drive home the other day and Thanked our mighty God for all his mighty blessings and faithfulness... Keep the faith even through the storm.
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